I'm quite in love with strawberries.
Hokkaido has the best ever. Sweet, alluring, beckoning, juicy.
Strawberries sing of spring.
Ooh, almost got a whole line of alliteration in there.
Strawberry jam. Strawberry ice-cream.
Mmm-mmm good ....
My strawberry epiphany happened in Phuket. Strange... yes, I think so too.
As a child, I had not-so-tasty King's strawberry ice-cream and chucked strawberries in the 'ulgh' part of the food spectrum. Won't miss
that for sure.
On a steaming hot Phuket afternoon about 7 years ago however, we were seeking sun refuge at a cafe. We sat down, and I was
drawn (I could
not look away, I kid you not) to a mountain of strawberry ice-cream piled high at the next table. A little boy was polishing it off with extreme gusto, his dripping shirt pulled back around his head, a temporary hairband as he tunneled through his mission.
The ice-cream beckoned. It called my name. It singled me out.
I caved.
It was such excellent ice-cream, I tasted meadows and happiness.
I'm serious.
I'm now a strawberry-holic, and proud of it.
Ok, that was a long intro for this post.
I'd meant to talk about two strawberry desserts I'd made recently - Chocolate Strawberry Cake, Classic Cheesecake with Strawberries.
Maybe too much strawberries makes you forgetful.
I'm willing to risk it.
Oh yes, back to the desserts.
Chocolate Strawberry Cake
Start with a rich chocolate cake,
doesn't matter if it aian't too pretty yet...
make sure it tastes good though! |
Mix up a batch of strawberry happiness,
also known as strawberry frosting. |
Pile on frosting, lick fingers,
stack on strawberry mountain.
All done. |
Classic Cheesecake with Strawberries
Assemble your classic cheesecake. Make sure there's plenty
of crust (double's a good place to start) cuz everyone loves crust.
Me and my greedy family and friends can vouch for that. |
Whip up fluffy cream cheese topping. Feel free to make
a little extra, just for you and anyone who walks through
the kitchen when you're working on the cake.
It takes steel will to resist the wafting smells of freshly baked
cheesecake, you WILL need that extra frosting. |
Crown with strawberries - the key to making any cake look delicious! |
The cheesecake recipe I used came from one of the many baking books on my shelf, so it's a little hard to teleport that here.
But no fear, I will lead you to my Cake Oracle - Bakerella!
Other crimson bakes:
Sit back, smell the strawberries and enjoy!